Garden grow. Ready set go.......

Home and Garden

our house

Nice of you to drop in on us here at our tuberose farm in Gallatin Tn. Sherry and I and Purle are thankful for you visiting with us.

We use parts of our home for the tuberose business to store our supplies and bulbs for our customers. Through out the rooms are family Bibles, pictures, houseplants, quilts, books, candles, puzzles and this and that. Its the memories we have here that will last a lifetime. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for our family heritage.

Sherry and I and Purle are happy to show you our home. . 

Our backyard

green house

Lets go out back now and see what there is to talk about. We are on the carport looking at the backyard now and hay fields out beyond the yard fence. Much tuberose work takes place on the carport in the spring and fall. Thousands of bulbs are prepared to be planted, pulled and packed.  

We have some  tuberose flowers beds in the back yard along with a green house and a storage shed. There are plenty of trees and bushes out back. Sherry and I and Purle watch the birds, butterflies and honey bees each morning. What a joy it has been over the years being allowed to do this.

Our front yard

 Come along now as we look over the front yard. A cow pond is to the left and there are sloping hills around us. We see deer, turkeys, and horses grazing on our land. During the nights we hear all the croaking of frogs and crickets chirping. We should all go out at night and look up at the stars and pray “thank you” Father for another day and night here. 

After waking up the next morning I will venture out to the front yard and look out in the front field where we will grow about 1/2 acre of the tuberose flowers. Sherry has a park bench and a lawn chair over looking the tuberose field. She has a Ferris wheel bird feeder and two birdbaths also. Full grown trees provide plenty of shade. The wonders and beauty in our yard is a blessing from the Lord God.  

drive way
man woman and dog
bird on finger
birds on rail

Your Home

While your garden is an extension of your home, your home can reflect your garden year round.

Here are some decor ideas to inspire your green thumb.

garden room ideas
garden room ideas 2
garden room ideas4
flower bicycle
tree garden
flower bench
garden room ideas
spring garden house
garden home
round garden

Garden Room Ideas

Whether it’s a hobby room you’ve dedicated to your green thumb, or a porch that serves as a holding bin for your garden projects, you’ll find bright and creative garden ideas to decorate any room.

garden bed

The homes we live in allows us to show our family and friends how creative we are in the way we decorate all the rooms of our house. Sherry and I would like for you to come along with us in our home now.

Lets start in the kitchen where my wife makes us the best of meals. There are house plants on the kitchen window seal. Pretty little statues of birds and cats and dogs on the shelves above the cabinets. Pictures of country scenes hanging on the walls. Herbs and spice racks are on the counters.

Now to the dining room/tuberose business office. There is an office desk and a shelving unit. We pack orders to be shipped here. A green and white checkered table cloth is on the table along with candles. The telephone stand is in the corner. Sherry has pretty white laced curtains on the windows. Pictures of flowers are on the walls.  As we go into the living room you will notice the family pictures. A television sits atop a large fireplace stand. Our jigsaw puzzle table is below a book shelf. Pretty quilts on the chairs and sofa. We have small tables with potted plants and a few lamps. We do tuberose work in this room also. I hope and pray that you have enjoyed your time here. 

garden furniture
sun garden idea
garden chair
table with plants
caterpillar picture

For further information please contact: 

Tennessee Tuberoses
Derek & Sherry Dyer
294 Brazier Lane
Gallatin, TN 37066
field tuberose banner