Growing Flowers for Fun

Tuberose class 101

All you need to learn, know, and grow about tuberoses. This is the formula for fun fragrant flowers.

E-Z to plant top quality bulbs + good rich soil + plenty of sun and rain from above + T L C = 
man on stack of bulbs

Heavenly scent Tuberoses

dancing tuberose
field of tuberoses
picture of flowers

Extra credits for you

The beautiful green foliage, sturdy stems and wax like fragrant blooms, excellent cut flower, easily grown through out the United States. 

By doing all the above studies you and your family will pass the tuberose growing fun test with flying colors.

Family time equals quality time

What better activity than planting with your family. Children love the colors of flowers. They appreciate seeing there hard work grow into a beautiful display for outdoors or indoors.

flowers in boots
owl with plant
flowers in Childs hand

Time outdoors is refreshing

Add fresh air and sunshine to any garden project. You’ll find that most people will find it very enjoyable. Gardening projects are here to the rescue!

On going maintenance is proactive!

Customer comments

Hi, I am glad that I found your webpage for tube roses.  I live in Knoxville and my grandfather, who turned 100 last month! used to plant these for my grandmother.  He is the oldest African American in Cocke county.  I was wondering if you gave a military discount?  Here is the article about him:
Here is my husband’s and my website:  

Thanks!  God’s servant and yours,Lisa Wilkerson

I just ordered 30 double tuberoses and paid through PayPal. Just want to be sure my order went through and will be shipped to me. I’ve ordered from you before and love my tuberoses. I’m going to share some of these with a couple of friends. Blessings, Kay Coggins

Hi! The tuberoses I got from you were *AMAZING * this year! I can’t even begin to state how much I have loved growing them. I’m in zone 7b/8a and they are in a raised bed. I think I’d like to dig them just to be sure they make it for next year. Should I wait until the first frost so that the foliage dies down, or should I dig them sooner (now?) The foliage is still gorgeous and they still have flower stalks. Thank you! Nathan Strange

Hello Dyers and Tennessee Tuberoses-
I just received my beautiful tuberose tubers! They look great. Very excited to be growing with them this season.
I do have one question- My last frost is at the end of March. What is the best storage for the tubers until I plant them out at the beginning of April? In the box they shipped in in a dark location? In a box with more ventilation? Cooler?Thanks for your help!
Brinton Fox
Boone Fox Farm

Tuberose received. Tubers are in beautiful condition and they are already planted. I, very much, look forward to having additional magical flowers in abundance next summer and early fall. Thank you as well for the thoughtful tract regarding Jesus.
I am not a Christian but I, very much, respect your beliefs and there is never any harm in sharing with others. Kindest regards, 
Chris Kight from California

I’ve ordered from you in the past.  Unfortunately I lost all of my single tuberose last winter because I stored them in my walk-in cooler, and it must’ve been too cold for them- I had accumulated over 700 bulbs!😰.
I’m interested in ordering at least 500-700 single Mexican  tuberose from you.  I’m a commercial grower and I sell directly to my florists. I’m just wondering if you sell wholesale, or what is the best deal you could do for me?  
I missed them terribly this summer- they are one of my favorites!😊💐
Thanks so much for your time! Thank you!
Meg McGuire
Red Daisy Farm

Good Morning Sherry and Derek,
I will not be planting my bulbs outside since I live in Wisconsin at the end of September .
I will be trying to “force” them along side some Paperwhites for blooms at Christmas.
If I do not plant them all for use at Christmas time do you think a few will keep all winter in my basement along with all the other summer bulbs I have to pull and store?
I am a flower nut and my goal is to have one of everything that will grow in my WI zone 4.5.  LOL!
I just discovered Tuberose flowers when I bought some flowers at our local Sat outdoor market.
What an amazing smell, I have to grow these!
Also I bought from you because I loved your website.  There are going to be people that read your Christian message and click away and those that love your witnessing for Christ.
Thank you for not being afraid to proclaim your faith.
God’s Blessings,
Karen Meyer

Good Morning, I found your website after doing a search and your story is amazing.  I have a dear friend who had a Turberose from her Grandmother that she lost due to a new puppy.  I would lov to give her a new start and am wondering if your bulbs would survive the California climate?  We live in the Central Valley..foggy winters, mild springs and hot summers. When you have time, can you please let me know? Thank you so much for your help and time. Sincerely,   Paulette Wright

Hi Y’all
I bought bulbs from you a few years back and have been enjoying these beautiful fragrant gifts from God. We now have hundreds of plants. All are in pots right now and when blooming we bring some into the bedroom at night filling the room with that awesome smell. We will be planting a patch in the backyard this year as too many for pots now. Lately we have seen quite a few plants send the chute up but right before the flowers open the stem develops a weak spot and the flowers die. I have attached a picture and was hoping that you could help me figure this out and recommend a remedy. Also wanted to let you know that about the same time as I received our bulbs from you God called me to be a pastor in the United Methodist Church. I have been going through the process for the last few years, went to licensing school last May and now have been appointed to a small country church. God has been so good to me and you as well to give you the gift of these flowers and the joy it brings to so many people.
Stay anchored in Christ
Phil Higgs 
Hi Sherry!
So good to hear from you.  Yes, please, you can post our email.  Also, I am attaching a picture of one of our tuberose/baby carnation/orchid lei that we made with the tuberose’s we purchased from you! I’ll take better pictures and send them to you soon.
The tuberoses have been a blessing to our business, Island Flowers by Liana in American Samoa (the only U.S. Territory in the South Pacific).  Our customers love not only the tuberose in the leis, but also in our arrangements.  We are very pleased with our purchase.
God bless you, and may your tuberose farm continue to flourish!
Donna & Pete Gurr
tuberose/carnation/orchid lei.jpg
I am interested in your bulbs; however, in the past two years I have bought bulbs from Eden Brothers and I have had very limited success with them blooming. My wife loves the fragrance and the fact that they are an old, heirloom, antique flower.  What recommendations can you give me to be very success and to have these multiply each year, instead of lingering to a withered death.? I am truly interested in buying at least 100 bulbs this fall but I want to have the flower bed ready for them and/or have an area in my basement for them to store over winter. I would like to place my order directly with a person. 
God Bless,

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, Thank you for all the information you have posted on your website and for the lovely tuberoses.  I particularly enjoyed reading about Purle and how you found each other.  I foster animals and it is one of my greatest joys to take care of a scared creature and bring it back to health and comfort and let it know safety and love.  So thank you for taking care of Purle and I am sure you are a real blessing to each other!  I grew tuberose for the first time this summer in my zone 7B garden, and really loved them.  I was wondering if you would be so kind as to answer some questions about their care.  We experienced a severe cold snap about a week ago (down to about 15 degrees) and I was afraid to leave my bulbs in the raised beds I use.  So I carefully dug them up, shook off most of the dirt, cut off most of the green leaves, and they are now in a 50 degree partially heated garage.  Should I pack them in any kind of peat moss or compost over the winter?  Was I wrong to dig them up, I did not have time to put down 6-8 inches of mulch and I was afraid they would still freeze.  And I couldn’t leave them out in the sun for 2-3 weeks since it went down to 15 degrees that night.  Should I put them in a sunny window in my kitchen, or just leave them in the garage?  Thank you very much for all you do and for answering these questions.  Best Wishes, Daniela

We received our order today…thank you so much for your generosity and also for your wonderful website! 
So touched by your love of Jesus. God bless,
 Melissa Slaughter

For further information please contact: 

Tennessee Tuberoses
Derek & Sherry Dyer
294 Brazier Lane
Gallatin, TN 37066
tuberose banner

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